Data layer

The data layer is a CRUD interface between resource manager and data. It is a very flexible system to use any ORM or data storage. You can even create a data layer that uses multiple ORMs and data storage to manage your own objects. The data layer implements a CRUD interface for objects and relationships. It also manages pagination, filtering and sorting.

FastAPI-JSONAPI has a full-featured data layer that uses the popular ORM SQLAlchemy.

To configure the data layer you have to set its required parameters in the resource manager.


from fastapi import FastAPI

from fastapi_jsonapi import RoutersJSONAPI
from fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.base import BaseDataLayer
from fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.sqla_orm import SqlalchemyDataLayer
from fastapi_jsonapi.views.detail_view import DetailViewBase
from fastapi_jsonapi.views.list_view import ListViewBase

class MyCustomDataLayer(BaseDataLayer):
    """Overload abstract methods here"""


class MyCustomSqlaDataLayer(SqlalchemyDataLayer):
    """Overload any methods here"""

    async def before_delete_objects(self, objects: list, view_kwargs: dict):
        raise Exception("not allowed to delete objects")

class UserDetailView(DetailViewBase):
    data_layer_cls = MyCustomDataLayer

class UserListView(ListViewBase):
    data_layer_cls = MyCustomSqlaDataLayer

app = FastAPI()
    # ...
    # ...