Package fastapi_jsonapi index
fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.fields.enum module
Base enum module.
- class fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.fields.enum.Enum(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)
Base enum class.
All used non-integer enumerations must inherit from this class.
- class fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.fields.enum.IntEnum(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)
Base IntEnum class.
All used integer enumerations must inherit from this class.
fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.fields.mixins module
Enum mixin module.
- class fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.fields.mixins.MixinEnum(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)
Extension over enum class from standard library.
- classmethod inverse()
Return all inverted items sequence.
- classmethod keys()
Get all field keys from Enum.
- classmethod names()
Get all field names.
- classmethod value_to_enum(value)
Convert value to enum.
- classmethod values()
Get all values from Enum.
- class fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.fields.mixins.MixinIntEnum(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)
Здесь пришлось дублировать код, чтобы обеспечить совместимость с FastAPI и Pydantic.
Основная проблема - данные либы определяют валидаторы для стандартной библиотеки enum, используя вызов issubclass. И для стандартного IntEnum есть отдельная ветка issubclass(IntEnum), в которой происходят специальные преобразования, например, аргументы из запроса конвертируются в тип int. Поэтому OurEnum(int, Enum) не срабатывает по условию issubclass(obj, IntEnum) и выбираются неверные валидаторы и конверторы. А код ниже пришлось задублировать, так как у стандартного Enum есть метакласс, который разрешает только такую цепочку наследования: NewEnum(клас_тип, миксин_без_типа_1, …, миксин_без_типа_n, Enum) По этому правилу нельзя построить наследование, добавляющее миксин без типа к стандартному IntEnum: NewEnum(our_mixin, IntEnum), так как IntEnum = (int, Enum) Поэтому пока остается такое решение до каких-либо исправлений со стороны разработчиков либы, либо появления более гениальных идей
- classmethod inverse()
Return all inverted items sequence.
- classmethod keys()
Get all field keys from Enum.
- classmethod names()
Get all field names.
- classmethod value_to_enum(value)
Convert value to enum.
- classmethod values()
Get all values from Enum.
fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.sqlalchemy module
Helper to create sqlalchemy filters according to filter querystring parameter
- class fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.sqlalchemy.RelationshipFilteringInfo(*, target_schema: Type[TypeSchema], model: Type[TypeModel], aliased_model: AliasedClass, join_column: InstrumentedAttribute)
- aliased_model: AliasedClass
- join_column: InstrumentedAttribute
- model: Type[TypeModel]
- target_schema: Type[TypeSchema]
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.sqlalchemy.build_filter_expression(schema_field: ModelField, model_column: InstrumentedAttribute, operator: str, value: Any) BinaryExpression
Builds sqlalchemy filter expression, like YourModel.some_field == value
Custom sqlalchemy filtering logic can be created in a schemas field for any operator To implement a new filtering logic (override existing or create a new one) create a method inside a field following this pattern: _<your_op_name>_sql_filter_
- Parameters:
schema_field – schemas field instance
model_column – sqlalchemy column instance
operator – your operator, for example: “eq”, “in”, “ilike_str_array”, …
value – filtering value
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.sqlalchemy.build_filter_expressions(filter_item: Dict, target_schema: Type[TypeSchema], target_model: Type[TypeModel], relationships_info: Dict[str, RelationshipFilteringInfo]) BinaryExpression | BooleanClauseList
Return sqla expressions.
Builds sqlalchemy expression which can be use in where condition: query(Model).where(build_filter_expressions(…))
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.sqlalchemy.build_terminal_node_filter_expressions(filter_item: Dict, target_schema: Type[TypeSchema], target_model: Type[TypeModel], relationships_info: Dict[str, RelationshipFilteringInfo])
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.sqlalchemy.cast_iterable_with_pydantic(types: List[Type], values: List, schema_field: ModelField) Tuple[List, List[str]]
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.sqlalchemy.cast_value_with_pydantic(types: List[Type], value: Any, schema_field: ModelField) Tuple[Any | None, List[str]]
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.sqlalchemy.cast_value_with_scheme(field_types: List[Type], value: Any) Tuple[Any, List[str]]
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.sqlalchemy.check_can_be_none(fields: list[ModelField]) bool
Return True if None is possible value for target field
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.sqlalchemy.create_filters_and_joins(filter_info: list, model: Type[TypeModel], schema: Type[TypeSchema])
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.sqlalchemy.gather_relationship_paths(filter_item: dict | list) Set[str]
Extracts relationship paths from query filter
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.sqlalchemy.gather_relationships(entrypoint_model: Type[TypeModel], schema: Type[TypeSchema], relationship_paths: Set[str]) dict[str, RelationshipFilteringInfo]
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.sqlalchemy.gather_relationships_info(model: Type[TypeModel], schema: Type[TypeSchema], relationship_path: List[str], collected_info: dict[str, RelationshipFilteringInfo], target_relationship_idx: int = 0, prev_aliased_model: Any | None = None) dict[str, RelationshipFilteringInfo]
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.sqlalchemy.get_custom_filter_expression_callable(schema_field, operator: str) Callable
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.sqlalchemy.get_model_column(model: Type[TypeModel], schema: Type[TypeSchema], field_name: str) InstrumentedAttribute
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.sqlalchemy.get_operator(model_column: InstrumentedAttribute, operator_name: str) str
Get the function operator from his name
- Return callable:
a callable to make operation on a column
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.sqlalchemy.is_relationship_filter(name: str) bool
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.sqlalchemy.is_terminal_node(filter_item: dict) bool
If node shape is:
- {
“name: …, “op: …, “val: …,
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.sqlalchemy.prepare_relationships_info(model: Type[TypeModel], schema: Type[TypeSchema], filter_info: list)
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.sqlalchemy.separate_types(types: List[Type]) Tuple[List[Type], List[Type]]
Separates the types into two kinds.
The first are those for which there are already validators defined by pydantic - str, int, datetime and some other built-in types. The second are all other types for which the arbitrary_types_allowed config is applied when defining the pydantic model
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.sqlalchemy.validator_requires_model_field(validator: Callable) bool
Check if validator accepts the field param
- Parameters:
- Returns:
fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.tortoise_operation module
Previously used: ‘__’
- class fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.tortoise_operation.ProcessTypeOperationFieldName(*args, **kwargs)
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.tortoise_operation.add_suffix(field_name: str, suffix: str, sep: str = '__') str
joins str
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.tortoise_operation.prepare_field_name_for_filtering(field_name: str, type_op: str) str
Prepare fields for use in ORM.
- Parameters:
field_name – name of the field by which the filtering will be performed.
type_op – operation type.
- Returns:
prepared name field.
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.tortoise_operation.type_op_any(field_name: str, type_op: str) str
used to filter on to many relationships
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.tortoise_operation.type_op_between(field_name: str, type_op: str) str
used to filter a field between two values
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.tortoise_operation.type_op_contains(field_name: str, type_op: str) str
field contains specified substring
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.tortoise_operation.type_op_endswith(field_name: str, type_op: str) str
check if field ends with a string
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.tortoise_operation.type_op_eq(field_name: str, type_op: str) str
check if field is equal to something
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.tortoise_operation.type_op_ge(field_name: str, type_op: str) str
check if field is greater than or equal to something
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.tortoise_operation.type_op_gt(field_name: str, type_op: str) str
check if field is greater than to something
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.tortoise_operation.type_op_has(field_name: str, type_op: str) str
used to filter on to one relationship
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.tortoise_operation.type_op_icontains(field_name: str, type_op: str) str
case insensitive contains
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.tortoise_operation.type_op_iendswith(field_name: str, type_op: str) str
check if field ends with a string
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.tortoise_operation.type_op_iequals(field_name: str, type_op: str) str
case insensitive equals
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.tortoise_operation.type_op_ilike(field_name: str, type_op: str) str
case insensitive contains
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.tortoise_operation.type_op_in_(field_name: str, type_op: str) str
check if field is in a list of values
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.tortoise_operation.type_op_is_(field_name: str, type_op: str) str
check if field is null. wtf
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.tortoise_operation.type_op_isnot(field_name: str, type_op: str) str
check if field is not null. wtf
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.tortoise_operation.type_op_istartswith(field_name: str, type_op: str) str
check if field starts with a string (case insensitive)
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.tortoise_operation.type_op_le(field_name: str, type_op: str) str
check if field is less than or equal to something
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.tortoise_operation.type_op_like(field_name: str, type_op: str) str
field contains specified substring
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.tortoise_operation.type_op_lt(field_name: str, type_op: str) str
check if field is less than to something
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.tortoise_operation.type_op_match(field_name: str, type_op: str) str
check if field match against a string or pattern
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.tortoise_operation.type_op_ne(field_name: str, type_op: str) str
check if field is not equal to something
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.tortoise_operation.type_op_notilike(field_name: str, type_op: str) str
check if field does not contains a string (case insensitive)
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.tortoise_operation.type_op_notin_(field_name: str, type_op: str) str
check if field is not in a list of values
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.tortoise_operation.type_op_notlike(field_name: str, type_op: str) str
check if field does not contains a string
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.tortoise_operation.type_op_startswith(field_name: str, type_op: str) str
check if field starts with value
- Parameters:
- Returns:
fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.tortoise_orm module
Tortoise filters creator.
- class fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.tortoise_orm.FilterTortoiseORM(model: TypeModel)
- create_query(filter_q: tuple | Q) Q
Tortoise filter creation.
- filter_converter(schema: Type[BaseModel], filters: List[Dict[str, str | int | float | dict | list | None]]) List
Make a list with filters, which can be used in the tortoise filter.
- Parameters:
schema – schemas schema of object.
filters – list of JSON API filters.
- Returns:
list of filters, prepared for use in tortoise model.
- Raises:
InvalidFilters – if the filter was created with an error.
- async json_api_filter(query, schema: Type[BaseModel], query_params: QueryStringManager) QuerySet
Make queries with filtering from request.
- orm_and_or(op: DBORMOperandType, filters: list) None | QuerySet | Dict[str, QuerySet | List[QuerySet]]
Filter for query to ORM.
- val_to_query(val: Any) Any
Value to query.
- validate(filter_q: None | Q | Dict[str, Q | List[Q]]) Q | None
Tortoise filter validation.
- Parameters:
filter_q – dict with filter body.
- Returns:
validated filter.
- Raises:
QueryError – if the field in the filter does not match the field in tortoise.
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.filtering.tortoise_orm.prepare_filter_pair(field: Type[ModelField], field_name: str, type_op: str, value: Any) Tuple
Prepare filter.
fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.sorting.sqlalchemy module
Helper to create sqlalchemy sortings according to filter querystring parameter
- class fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.sorting.sqlalchemy.Node(model: Type[TypeModel], sort_: dict, schema: Type[TypeSchema])
Helper to recursively create sorts with sqlalchemy according to sort querystring parameter
- property column: InstrumentedAttribute
Get the column object.
- Returns:
the column to filter on
- classmethod create_sort(schema_field: ModelField, model_column, order: str)
Create sqlalchemy sort.
- Params schema_field:
- Params model_column:
column sqlalchemy
- Params order:
desc | asc (or custom)
- Returns:
- property name: str
Return the name of the node or raise a BadRequest exception
- Return str:
the name of the sort to sort on
Get the related model of a relationship field.
- Returns:
the related model.
Get the related schema of a relationship field.
- Returns:
the related schema
- resolve() Tuple[BinaryExpression, List[List[Any]]]
Create sort for a particular node of the sort tree.
- fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.sorting.sqlalchemy.create_sorts(model: Type[TypeModel], filter_info: list | dict, schema: Type[TypeSchema])
Apply filters from filters information to base query.
- Params model:
the model of the node.
- Params filter_info:
current node filter information.
- Params schema:
the resource.
fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.sorting.tortoise_orm module
- class fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.sorting.tortoise_orm.SortTortoiseORM
- classmethod sort(query: QuerySet, query_params_sorting: List[Dict[str, str]], default_sort: str = '') QuerySet
Реализация динамической сортировки для query.
- Parameters:
query – запрос
query_params_sorting – параметры от клиента
default_sort – дефолтная сортировка, например “-id” или sort=-id,created_at
fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.base module
The base class of a data layer.
If you want to create your own data layer you must inherit from this base class
- class fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.base.BaseDataLayer(request: Request, schema: Type[TypeSchema], model: Type[TypeModel], url_id_field: str, id_name_field: str | None = None, disable_collection_count: bool = False, default_collection_count: int = -1, type_: str = '', **kwargs)
Base class of a data layer
- async after_create_object(obj, data, view_kwargs)
Provide additional data after object creation
- Parameters:
obj – an object from data layer
data – the data validated by schemas
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view
- async after_create_relationship(obj, updated, json_data, relationship_field, related_id_field, view_kwargs)
Make work after to create a relationship
- Parameters:
obj – an object from data layer
updated (bool) – True if object was updated else False
json_data – the request params
relationship_field (str) – the model attribute used for relationship
related_id_field (str) – the identifier field of the related model
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view
- Return boolean:
True if relationship have changed else False
- async after_delete_object(obj: TypeModel, view_kwargs)
Make work after delete object
- Parameters:
obj – an object from data layer
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view
- async after_delete_objects(objects: List[TypeModel], view_kwargs: dict)
Any action after deleting objects.
- Parameters:
objects – an object from data layer.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- async after_delete_relationship(obj, updated, json_data, relationship_field, related_id_field, view_kwargs)
Make work after to delete a relationship
- Parameters:
obj – an object from data layer
updated (bool) – True if object was updated else False
json_data – the request params
relationship_field (str) – the model attribute used for relationship
related_id_field (str) – the identifier field of the related model
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view
- async after_get_collection(collection, qs, view_kwargs)
Make work after to retrieve a collection of objects
- Parameters:
collection (iterable) – the collection of objects
qs – a querystring manager to retrieve information from url
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view
- async after_get_object(obj, view_kwargs)
Make work after to retrieve an object
- Parameters:
obj – an object from data layer
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view
- async after_get_relationship(obj, related_objects, relationship_field, related_type_, related_id_field, view_kwargs)
Make work after to get information about a relationship
- Parameters:
obj – an object from data layer
related_objects (iterable) – related objects of the object
relationship_field (str) – the model attribute used for relationship
related_type (str) – the related resource type
related_id_field (str) – the identifier field of the related model
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view
- Return tuple:
the object and related object(s)
- async after_update_object(obj: TypeModel, data, view_kwargs)
Make work after update object
- Parameters:
obj – an object from data layer
data – the data validated by schemas
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view
- async after_update_relationship(obj, updated, json_data, relationship_field, related_id_field, view_kwargs)
Make work after to update a relationship
- Parameters:
obj – an object from data layer
updated (bool) – True if object was updated else False
json_data – the request params
relationship_field (str) – the model attribute used for relationship
related_id_field (str) – the identifier field of the related model
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view
- Return boolean:
True if relationship have changed else False
- async atomic_end(success: bool = True)
- async atomic_start(previous_dl: BaseDataLayer | None = None)
- async before_create_object(data, view_kwargs)
Provide additional data before object creation
- Parameters:
data – the data validated by schemas
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view
- async before_create_relationship(json_data, relationship_field, related_id_field, view_kwargs)
Make work before to create a relationship
- Parameters:
json_data – the request params
relationship_field (str) – the model attribute used for relationship
related_id_field (str) – the identifier field of the related model
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view
- Return boolean:
True if relationship have changed else False
- async before_delete_object(obj: TypeModel, view_kwargs)
Make checks before delete object
- Parameters:
obj – an object from data layer
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view
- async before_delete_objects(objects: List[TypeModel], view_kwargs: dict)
Make checks before deleting objects.
- Parameters:
objects – an object from data layer.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- async before_delete_relationship(json_data, relationship_field, related_id_field, view_kwargs)
Make work before to delete a relationship
- Parameters:
json_data – the request params
relationship_field (str) – the model attribute used for relationship
related_id_field (str) – the identifier field of the related model
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view
- async before_get_collection(qs, view_kwargs)
Make work before to retrieve a collection of objects
- Parameters:
qs – a querystring manager to retrieve information from url
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view
- async before_get_object(view_kwargs)
Make work before to retrieve an object
- Parameters:
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view
- async before_get_relationship(relationship_field, related_type_, related_id_field, view_kwargs)
Make work before to get information about a relationship
- Parameters:
relationship_field (str) – the model attribute used for relationship
related_type (str) – the related resource type
related_id_field (str) – the identifier field of the related model
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view
- Return tuple:
the object and related object(s)
- async before_update_object(obj, data, view_kwargs)
Make checks or provide additional data before update object
- Parameters:
obj – an object from data layer
data – the data validated by schemas
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view
- async before_update_relationship(json_data, relationship_field, related_id_field, view_kwargs)
Make work before to update a relationship
- Parameters:
json_data – the request params
relationship_field (str) – the model attribute used for relationship
related_id_field (str) – the identifier field of the related model
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view
- Return boolean:
True if relationship have changed else False
- async create_object(data_create: BaseJSONAPIItemInSchema, view_kwargs: dict) TypeModel
Create an object
- Parameters:
data_create – validated data
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view
- Return DeclarativeMeta:
an object
- async create_relationship(json_data, relationship_field, related_id_field, view_kwargs)
Create a relationship
- Parameters:
json_data – the request params
relationship_field (str) – the model attribute used for relationship
related_id_field (str) – the identifier field of the related model
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view
- Return boolean:
True if relationship have changed else False
- async delete_object(obj, view_kwargs)
Delete an item through the data layer
- Parameters:
obj (DeclarativeMeta) – an object
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view
- async delete_objects(objects: List[TypeModel], view_kwargs)
- async delete_relationship(json_data, relationship_field, related_id_field, view_kwargs)
Delete a relationship
- Parameters:
json_data – the request params
relationship_field (str) – the model attribute used for relationship
related_id_field (str) – the identifier field of the related model
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view
- async get_collection(qs: QueryStringManager, view_kwargs: dict | None = None) Tuple[int, list]
Retrieve a collection of objects
- Parameters:
qs – a querystring manager to retrieve information from url
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view
- Return tuple:
the number of object and the list of objects
- async get_object(view_kwargs: dict, qs: QueryStringManager | None = None) TypeModel
Retrieve an object
- Parameters:
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view
- Return DeclarativeMeta:
an object
- get_object_id(obj: TypeModel)
- get_object_id_field()
- get_object_id_field_name()
compound key may cause errors
- Returns:
Prepare query for the related model
- Parameters:
related_model – Related ORM model class (not instance)
- Returns:
Get related object.
- Parameters:
related_model – Related ORM model class (not instance)
related_id_field – id field of the related model (usually it’s id)
id_value – related object id value
- Returns:
an ORM object
Prepare query to get related object
- Parameters:
- Returns:
Get related objects list.
- Parameters:
related_model – Related ORM model class (not instance)
related_id_field – id field of the related model (usually it’s id)
ids – related object id values list
- Returns:
a list of ORM objects
Prepare query to get related objects list
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- async get_relationship(relationship_field, related_type_, related_id_field, view_kwargs)
Get information about a relationship
- Parameters:
relationship_field (str) – the model attribute used for relationship
related_type (str) – the related resource type
related_id_field (str) – the identifier field of the related model
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view
- Return tuple:
the object and related object(s)
- query(view_kwargs)
Construct the base query to retrieve wanted data
- Parameters:
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view
- async update_object(obj, data_update: BaseJSONAPIItemInSchema, view_kwargs: dict)
Update an object
- Parameters:
obj – an object
data_update – the data validated by schemas
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view
- Return boolean:
True if object have changed else False
- async update_relationship(json_data, relationship_field, related_id_field, view_kwargs)
Update a relationship
- Parameters:
json_data – the request params
relationship_field (str) – the model attribute used for relationship
related_id_field (str) – the identifier field of the related model
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view
- Return boolean:
True if relationship have changed else False
fastapi_jsonapi.data_typing module
fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.orm module
ORM types enums.
fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.sqla_orm module
This module is a CRUD interface between resource managers and the sqlalchemy ORM
- class fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.sqla_orm.SqlalchemyDataLayer(schema: Type[TypeSchema], model: Type[TypeModel], session: AsyncSession, disable_collection_count: bool = False, default_collection_count: int = -1, id_name_field: str | None = None, url_id_field: str = 'id', eagerload_includes: bool = True, query: Select | None = None, auto_convert_id_to_column_type: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)
Sqlalchemy data layer
- async after_create_object(obj: TypeModel, model_kwargs: dict, view_kwargs: dict)
Provide additional data after object creation.
- Parameters:
obj – an object from data layer.
model_kwargs – the data validated by pydantic.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- async after_create_relationship(obj: Any, updated: bool, json_data: dict, relationship_field: str, related_id_field: str, view_kwargs: dict)
Make work after to create a relationship.
- Parameters:
obj – an object from data layer.
updated – True if object was updated else False.
json_data – the request params.
relationship_field – the model attribute used for relationship.
related_id_field – the identifier field of the related model.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- Return boolean:
True if relationship have changed else False.
- async after_delete_object(obj: TypeModel, view_kwargs: dict)
Make work after delete object.
- Parameters:
obj – an object from data layer.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- async after_delete_objects(objects: List[TypeModel], view_kwargs: dict)
Any actions after deleting objects.
- Parameters:
objects – an object from data layer.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- async after_delete_relationship(obj: Any, updated: bool, json_data: dict, relationship_field: str, related_id_field: str, view_kwargs: dict)
Make work after to delete a relationship.
- Parameters:
obj – an object from data layer.
updated – True if object was updated else False.
json_data – the request params.
relationship_field – the model attribute used for relationship.
related_id_field – the identifier field of the related model.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- async after_get_collection(collection: Iterable, qs: QueryStringManager, view_kwargs: dict)
Make work after to retrieve a collection of objects.
- Parameters:
collection – the collection of objects.
qs – a querystring manager to retrieve information from url.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- async after_get_object(obj: Any, view_kwargs: dict)
Make work after to retrieve an object.
- Parameters:
obj – an object from data layer.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- async after_get_relationship(obj: Any, related_objects: Iterable, relationship_field: str, related_type_: str, related_id_field: str, view_kwargs: dict)
Make work after to get information about a relationship.
- Parameters:
obj – an object from data layer.
related_objects – related objects of the object.
relationship_field – the model attribute used for relationship.
related_type – the related resource type.
related_id_field – the identifier field of the related model.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- Return tuple:
the object and related object(s).
- async after_update_object(obj: Any, model_kwargs: dict, view_kwargs: dict)
Make work after update object.
- Parameters:
obj – an object from data layer.
model_kwargs – the data validated by schemas.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- async after_update_relationship(obj: Any, updated: bool, json_data: dict, relationship_field: str, related_id_field: str, view_kwargs: dict)
Make work after to update a relationship.
- Parameters:
obj – an object from data layer.
updated – True if object was updated else False.
json_data – the request params.
relationship_field – the model attribute used for relationship.
related_id_field – the identifier field of the related model.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- Return boolean:
True if relationship have changed else False.
- async apply_relationships(obj: TypeModel, data_create: BaseJSONAPIItemInSchema, action_trigger: Literal['create', 'update']) None
Handles relationships passed in request
- Parameters:
action_trigger – indicates which one operation triggered relationships applying
- Returns:
- async atomic_end(success: bool = True)
- async atomic_start(previous_dl: SqlalchemyDataLayer | None = None)
- async before_create_object(model_kwargs: dict, view_kwargs: dict)
Provide additional data before object creation.
- Parameters:
model_kwargs – the data validated by pydantic.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- async before_create_relationship(json_data: dict, relationship_field: str, related_id_field: str, view_kwargs: dict)
Make work before to create a relationship.
- Parameters:
json_data – the request params.
relationship_field – the model attribute used for relationship.
related_id_field – the identifier field of the related model.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- Return boolean:
True if relationship have changed else False.
- async before_delete_object(obj: TypeModel, view_kwargs: dict)
Make checks before delete object.
- Parameters:
obj – an object from data layer.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- async before_delete_objects(objects: List[TypeModel], view_kwargs: dict)
Make checks before deleting objects.
- Parameters:
objects – an object from data layer.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- async before_delete_relationship(json_data: dict, relationship_field: str, related_id_field: str, view_kwargs: dict)
Make work before to delete a relationship.
- Parameters:
json_data – the request params.
relationship_field – the model attribute used for relationship.
related_id_field – the identifier field of the related model.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- async before_get_collection(qs: QueryStringManager, view_kwargs: dict)
Make work before to retrieve a collection of objects.
- Parameters:
qs – a querystring manager to retrieve information from url.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- async before_get_object(view_kwargs: dict)
Make work before to retrieve an object.
- Parameters:
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- async before_get_relationship(relationship_field: str, related_type_: str, related_id_field: str, view_kwargs: dict)
Make work before to get information about a relationship.
- Parameters:
relationship_field (str) – the model attribute used for relationship.
related_type (str) – the related resource type.
related_id_field (str) – the identifier field of the related model.
view_kwargs (dict) – kwargs from the resource view.
- Return tuple:
the object and related object(s).
- async before_update_object(obj: Any, model_kwargs: dict, view_kwargs: dict)
Make checks or provide additional data before update object.
- Parameters:
obj – an object from data layer.
model_kwargs – the data validated by schemas.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- async before_update_relationship(json_data: dict, relationship_field: str, related_id_field: str, view_kwargs: dict)
Make work before to update a relationship.
- Parameters:
json_data – the request params.
relationship_field – the model attribute used for relationship.
related_id_field – the identifier field of the related model.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- Return boolean:
True if relationship have changed else False.
- async check_object_has_relationship_or_raise(obj: TypeModel, relation_name: str)
Checks that there is relationship with relation_name in obj
- Parameters:
- async create_object(data_create: BaseJSONAPIItemInSchema, view_kwargs: dict) TypeModel
Create an object through sqlalchemy.
- Parameters:
data_create – the data validated by pydantic.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- Returns:
- async create_relationship(json_data: dict, relationship_field: str, related_id_field: str, view_kwargs: dict) bool
Create a relationship.
- Parameters:
json_data – the request params.
relationship_field – the model attribute used for relationship.
related_id_field – the identifier field of the related model.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- Returns:
True if relationship have changed else False.
- async delete_object(obj: TypeModel, view_kwargs: dict)
Delete an object through sqlalchemy.
- Parameters:
obj – an item from sqlalchemy.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- async delete_objects(objects: List[TypeModel], view_kwargs: dict)
- async delete_relationship(json_data: dict, relationship_field: str, related_id_field: str, view_kwargs: dict)
Delete a relationship.
- Parameters:
json_data – the request params.
relationship_field – the model attribute used for relationship.
related_id_field – the identifier field of the related model.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- eagerload_includes(query: Select, qs: QueryStringManager) Select
Use eagerload feature of sqlalchemy to optimize data retrieval for include querystring parameter.
- Parameters:
query – sqlalchemy queryset.
qs – a querystring manager to retrieve information from url.
- Returns:
the query with includes eagerloaded.
- filter_query(query: Select, filter_info: list | None) Select
Filter query according to jsonapi 1.0.
- Parameters:
query – sqlalchemy query to sort.
filter_info – filter information.
- Returns:
the sorted query.
- async get_collection(qs: QueryStringManager, view_kwargs: dict | None = None) Tuple[int, list]
Retrieve a collection of objects through sqlalchemy.
- Parameters:
qs – a querystring manager to retrieve information from url.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- Returns:
the number of object and the list of objects.
- async get_collection_count(query: Select, qs: QueryStringManager, view_kwargs: dict) int
Returns number of elements for this collection
- Parameters:
query – SQLAlchemy query
qs – QueryString
view_kwargs – view kwargs
- Returns:
- async get_object(view_kwargs: dict, qs: QueryStringManager | None = None) TypeModel
Retrieve an object through sqlalchemy.
- Parameters:
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view
- Return DeclarativeMeta:
an object from sqlalchemy
- get_object_id_field_name()
compound key may cause errors
- Returns:
Retrieves object or objects to link from database
- Parameters:
Prepare sql query (statement) to fetch related model
- Parameters:
- Returns:
Get related object.
- Parameters:
related_model – SQLA ORM model class
related_id_field – id field of the related model (usually it’s id)
id_value – related object id value
- Returns:
a related SQLA ORM object
Prepare query to get related object
- Parameters:
- Returns:
Fetch related objects (many)
- Parameters:
- Returns:
Prepare query to get related objects list
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- async get_relationship(relationship_field: str, related_type_: str, related_id_field: str, view_kwargs: dict) Tuple[Any, Any]
Get a relationship.
- Parameters:
relationship_field – the model attribute used for relationship.
related_type – the related resource type.
related_id_field – the identifier field of the related model.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- Returns:
the object and related object(s).
- async link_relationship_object(obj: TypeModel, relation_name: str, related_data: TypeModel | list[TypeModel] | None, action_trigger: Literal['create', 'update'])
Links target object with relationship object or objects
- Parameters:
action_trigger – indicates which one operation triggered relationships applying
- paginate_query(query: Select, paginate_info: PaginationQueryStringManager) Select
Paginate query according to jsonapi 1.0.
- Parameters:
query – sqlalchemy queryset.
paginate_info – pagination information.
- Returns:
the paginated query
- prepare_id_value(col: InstrumentedAttribute, value: Any) Any
Convert value to the required python type.
Type is declared on the SQLA column.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- query(view_kwargs: dict) Select
Construct the base query to retrieve wanted data.
- Parameters:
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view
- retrieve_object_query(view_kwargs: dict, filter_field: InstrumentedAttribute, filter_value: Any) Select
Build query to retrieve object.
- Parameters:
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view
filter_field – the field to filter on
filter_value – the value to filter with
- Return sqlalchemy query:
a query from sqlalchemy
- async save()
- sort_query(query: Select, sort_info: list) Select
Sort query according to jsonapi 1.0.
- Parameters:
query – sqlalchemy query to sort.
sort_info – sort information.
- Returns:
the sorted query.
- async update_object(obj: TypeModel, data_update: BaseJSONAPIItemInSchema, view_kwargs: dict) bool
Update an object through sqlalchemy.
- Parameters:
obj – an object from sqlalchemy.
data_update – the data validated by pydantic.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- Returns:
True if object have changed else False.
- async update_relationship(json_data: dict, relationship_field: str, related_id_field: str, view_kwargs: dict) bool
Update a relationship
- Parameters:
json_data – the request params.
relationship_field – the model attribute used for relationship.
related_id_field – the identifier field of the related model.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- Returns:
True if relationship have changed else False.
fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.tortoise_orm module
This module is a CRUD interface between resource managers and the Tortoise ORM
- class fastapi_jsonapi.data_layers.tortoise_orm.TortoiseDataLayer(schema: Type[TypeSchema], model: Type[TypeModel], disable_collection_count: bool = False, default_collection_count: int = -1, id_name_field: str | None = None, url_id_field: str = 'id', query: QuerySet | None = None, **kwargs: Any)
Tortoise data layer
- async after_create_object(obj: Any, data: dict, view_kwargs: dict)
Provide additional data after object creation.
- Parameters:
obj – an object from data layer.
data – the data validated by pydantic.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- async after_create_relationship(obj: Any, updated: bool, json_data: dict, relationship_field: str, related_id_field: str, view_kwargs: dict)
Make work after to create a relationship.
- Parameters:
obj – an object from data layer.
updated – True if object was updated else False.
json_data – the request params.
relationship_field – the model attribute used for relationship.
related_id_field – the identifier field of the related model.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- Return boolean:
True if relationship have changed else False.
- async after_delete_object(obj: Any, view_kwargs: dict)
Make work after delete object.
- Parameters:
obj – an object from data layer.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- async after_delete_relationship(obj: Any, updated: bool, json_data: dict, relationship_field: str, related_id_field: str, view_kwargs: dict)
Make work after to delete a relationship.
- Parameters:
obj – an object from data layer.
updated – True if object was updated else False.
json_data – the request params.
relationship_field – the model attribute used for relationship.
related_id_field – the identifier field of the related model.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- async after_get_collection(collection: Iterable, qs: QueryStringManager, view_kwargs: dict) Iterable
Make work after to retrieve a collection of objects.
- Parameters:
collection – the collection of objects.
qs – a querystring manager to retrieve information from url.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- async after_get_object(obj: Any, view_kwargs: dict)
Make work after to retrieve an object.
- Parameters:
obj – an object from data layer.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- async after_get_relationship(obj: Any, related_objects: Iterable, relationship_field: str, related_type_: str, related_id_field: str, view_kwargs: dict)
Make work after to get information about a relationship.
- Parameters:
obj – an object from data layer.
related_objects – related objects of the object.
relationship_field – the model attribute used for relationship.
related_type – the related resource type.
related_id_field – the identifier field of the related model.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- Return tuple:
the object and related object(s).
- async after_update_object(obj: Any, data: dict, view_kwargs: dict)
Make work after update object.
- Parameters:
obj – an object from data layer.
data – the data validated by schemas.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- async after_update_relationship(obj: Any, updated: bool, json_data: dict, relationship_field: str, related_id_field: str, view_kwargs: dict)
Make work after to update a relationship.
- Parameters:
obj – an object from data layer.
updated – True if object was updated else False.
json_data – the request params.
relationship_field – the model attribute used for relationship.
related_id_field – the identifier field of the related model.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- Return boolean:
True if relationship have changed else False.
- async before_create_object(data: dict, view_kwargs: dict)
Provide additional data before object creation.
- Parameters:
data – the data validated by pydantic.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- async before_create_relationship(json_data: dict, relationship_field: str, related_id_field: str, view_kwargs: dict)
Make work before to create a relationship.
- Parameters:
json_data – the request params.
relationship_field – the model attribute used for relationship.
related_id_field – the identifier field of the related model.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- Return boolean:
True if relationship have changed else False.
- async before_delete_object(obj: Any, view_kwargs: dict)
Make checks before delete object.
- Parameters:
obj – an object from data layer.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- async before_delete_relationship(json_data: dict, relationship_field: str, related_id_field: str, view_kwargs: dict)
Make work before to delete a relationship.
- Parameters:
json_data – the request params.
relationship_field – the model attribute used for relationship.
related_id_field – the identifier field of the related model.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- async before_get_collection(qs: QueryStringManager, view_kwargs: dict)
Make work before to retrieve a collection of objects.
- Parameters:
qs – a querystring manager to retrieve information from url.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- async before_get_object(view_kwargs: dict)
Make work before to retrieve an object.
- Parameters:
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- async before_get_relationship(relationship_field: str, related_type_: str, related_id_field: str, view_kwargs: dict)
Make work before to get information about a relationship.
- Parameters:
relationship_field (str) – the model attribute used for relationship.
related_type (str) – the related resource type.
related_id_field (str) – the identifier field of the related model.
view_kwargs (dict) – kwargs from the resource view.
- Return tuple:
the object and related object(s).
- async before_update_object(obj: Any, data: dict, view_kwargs: dict)
Make checks or provide additional data before update object.
- Parameters:
obj – an object from data layer.
data – the data validated by schemas.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- async before_update_relationship(json_data: dict, relationship_field: str, related_id_field: str, view_kwargs: dict)
Make work before to update a relationship.
- Parameters:
json_data – the request params.
relationship_field – the model attribute used for relationship.
related_id_field – the identifier field of the related model.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- Return boolean:
True if relationship have changed else False.
- async create_object(data_create: BaseJSONAPIItemInSchema, view_kwargs: dict) TypeModel
Create an object
- Parameters:
data_create – validated data
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view
- Return DeclarativeMeta:
an object
- async create_relationship(json_data: dict, relationship_field: str, related_id_field: str, view_kwargs: dict) bool
Create a relationship.
- Parameters:
json_data – the request params.
relationship_field – the model attribute used for relationship.
related_id_field – the identifier field of the related model.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- Returns:
True if relationship have changed else False.
- async delete_object(obj: TypeModel, view_kwargs: dict)
Delete an object through Tortoise.
- Parameters:
obj – an item from Tortoise.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- async delete_relationship(json_data: dict, relationship_field: str, related_id_field: str, view_kwargs: dict)
Delete a relationship.
- Parameters:
json_data – the request params.
relationship_field – the model attribute used for relationship.
related_id_field – the identifier field of the related model.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- eagerload_includes(query: QuerySet, qs: QueryStringManager) QuerySet
Use eagerload feature of Tortoise to optimize data retrieval for include querystring parameter.
- Parameters:
query – Tortoise queryset.
qs – a querystring manager to retrieve information from url.
- Returns:
the query with includes eagerloaded.
- async get_collection(qs: QueryStringManager, view_kwargs: dict | None = None) Tuple[int, list]
Retrieve a collection of objects through Tortoise.
- Parameters:
qs – a querystring manager to retrieve information from url.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- Returns:
the number of object and the list of objects.
- async get_collection_count(query: QuerySet) int
Prepare query to fetch collection
- Parameters:
query – Tortoise query
qs – QueryString
view_kwargs – view kwargs
- Returns:
- async get_object(view_kwargs: dict, qs: QueryStringManager | None = None) TypeModel
Retrieve an object
- Parameters:
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view
- Return DeclarativeMeta:
an object
Get related object.
- Parameters:
related_model – Tortoise model
related_id_field – the identifier field of the related model
id_value – related object id value
- Returns:
a related object
- async get_relationship(relationship_field: str, related_type_: str, related_id_field: str, view_kwargs: dict) Tuple[Any, Any]
Get a relationship.
- Parameters:
relationship_field – the model attribute used for relationship.
related_type – the related resource type.
related_id_field – the identifier field of the related model.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- Returns:
the object and related object(s).
- paginate_query(query: QuerySet, paginate_info: PaginationQueryStringManager) QuerySet
Paginate query according to jsonapi 1.0.
- Parameters:
query – Tortoise queryset.
paginate_info – pagination information.
- Returns:
the paginated query
- query(view_kwargs: dict) QuerySet
Construct the base query to retrieve wanted data.
- Parameters:
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view
- retrieve_object_query(view_kwargs: dict, filter_field: Any, filter_value: Any) QuerySet
Build query to retrieve object.
- Parameters:
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view
filter_field – the field to filter on
filter_value – the value to filter with
- Return Tortoise query:
a query from Tortoise
- async update_object(obj: TypeModel, data_update: BaseJSONAPIItemInSchema, view_kwargs: dict) bool
Update an object through Tortoise.
- Parameters:
obj – an object from Tortoise.
data – the data validated by schemas.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- Returns:
True if object have changed else False.
- async update_relationship(json_data: dict, relationship_field: str, related_id_field: str, view_kwargs: dict) bool
Update a relationship
- Parameters:
json_data – the request params.
relationship_field – the model attribute used for relationship.
related_id_field – the identifier field of the related model.
view_kwargs – kwargs from the resource view.
- Returns:
True if relationship have changed else False.
fastapi_jsonapi.api module
JSON API router class.
- class fastapi_jsonapi.api.RoutersJSONAPI(router: APIRouter, path: str | List[str], tags: List[str], class_list: Type[ListViewBase], class_detail: Type[DetailViewBase], model: Type[TypeModel], schema: Type[BaseModel], resource_type: str, schema_in_post: Type[BaseModel] | None = None, schema_in_patch: Type[BaseModel] | None = None, pagination_default_size: int | None = 25, pagination_default_number: int | None = 1, pagination_default_offset: int | None = None, pagination_default_limit: int | None = None, methods: Iterable[str] = (), max_cache_size: int = 0)
API Router interface for JSON API endpoints in web-services.
- DEFAULT_METHODS = ('ViewMethods.GET_LIST', 'ViewMethods.POST', 'ViewMethods.DELETE_LIST', 'ViewMethods.GET', 'ViewMethods.DELETE', 'ViewMethods.PATCH')
- Methods
alias of
- all_jsonapi_routers: ClassVar[Dict[str, RoutersJSONAPI]] = {}
- get_endpoint_name(action: Literal['get', 'create', 'update', 'delete'], kind: Literal['list', 'detail'])
Generate view name
:param action :param kind: list / detail :return:
- async handle_view_dependencies(request: Request, view_cls: Type[ViewBase], method: HTTPMethod) Dict[str, Any]
Combines all dependencies (prepared) and returns them as list
Consider method config is already prepared for generic views Reuse the same config for atomic operations
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- prepare_dependencies_handler_signature(custom_handler: Callable[[...], Any], method_config: HTTPMethodConfig) Signature
fastapi_jsonapi.jsonapi_typing module
JSON API types.
fastapi_jsonapi.querystring module
Helper to deal with querystring parameters according to jsonapi specification.
- class fastapi_jsonapi.querystring.HeadersQueryStringManager(*, host: str | None = None, connection: str | None = None, accept: str | None = None, referer: str | None = None, **extra_data: Any)
Header query string manager.
Contains info about request headers.
- accept: str | None
- accept_encoding: str | None
- accept_language: str | None
- connection: str | None
- host: str | None
- referer: str | None
- user_agent: str | None
- class fastapi_jsonapi.querystring.PaginationQueryStringManager(*, offset: int | None = None, size: int | None = 25, number: int = 1, limit: int | None = None)
Pagination query string manager.
Contains info about offsets, sizes, number and limits of query with pagination.
- limit: int | None
- number: int
- offset: int | None
- size: int | None
- class fastapi_jsonapi.querystring.QueryStringManager(request: Request)
Querystring parser according to jsonapi reference.
- property fields: Dict[str, List[str]]
Return fields wanted by client.
- Returns:
a dict of sparse fieldsets information
Return value will be a dict containing all fields by resource, for example:
{ "user": ['name', 'email'], }
- Raises:
InvalidField – if result field not in schema.
- property filters: List[dict]
Return filters from query string.
- Returns:
filter information
- Raises:
InvalidFilters – if filter loading from json has failed.
- get_sorts(schema: Type[TypeSchema]) List[Dict[str, str]]
Return fields to sort by including sort name for SQLAlchemy and row sort parameter for other ORMs.
- Returns:
a list of sorting information
Example of return value:
[ {'field': 'created_at', 'order': 'desc'}, ]
- Raises:
InvalidSort – if sort field wrong.
- property include: List[str]
Return fields to include.
- Returns:
a list of include information.
- Raises:
InvalidInclude – if nesting is more than MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH.
- managed_keys = ('filter', 'page', 'fields', 'sort', 'include', 'q')
- property pagination: PaginationQueryStringManager
Return all page parameters as a dict.
- Returns:
a dict of pagination information.
To allow multiples strategies, all parameters starting with page will be included. e.g:
{ "number": '25', "size": '150', }
Example with number strategy:
query_string = {‘page[number]’: ‘25’, ‘page[size]’: ‘10’} parsed_query.pagination {‘number’: ‘25’, ‘size’: ‘10’}
- Raises:
BadRequest – if the client is not allowed to disable pagination.
- property querystring: Dict[str, str]
Return original querystring but containing only managed keys.
- Returns:
dict of managed querystring parameter
fastapi_jsonapi.schema module
Base JSON:API schemas.
Pydantic (for FastAPI).
- class fastapi_jsonapi.schema.BaseJSONAPIDataInSchema(*, data: BaseJSONAPIItemInSchema)
- data: BaseJSONAPIItemInSchema
- class fastapi_jsonapi.schema.BaseJSONAPIItemInSchema(*, type: str, attributes: TypeSchema, relationships: TypeSchema | None = None, id: str | None = None)
Schema for post/patch method
TODO POST: optionally accept custom id for object TODO PATCH: accept object id (maybe create a new separate schema)
- attributes: TypeSchema
- id: str | None
- relationships: TypeSchema | None
- class fastapi_jsonapi.schema.BaseJSONAPIItemSchema(*, type: str, attributes: dict)
Base JSON:API item schema.
- attributes: dict
- type: str
- class fastapi_jsonapi.schema.BaseJSONAPIObjectSchema(*, type: str, attributes: dict, id: str)
Base JSON:API object schema.
- id: str
- class fastapi_jsonapi.schema.BaseJSONAPIRelationshipDataToManySchema(*, data: List[BaseJSONAPIRelationshipSchema])
- data: List[BaseJSONAPIRelationshipSchema]
- class fastapi_jsonapi.schema.BaseJSONAPIRelationshipDataToOneSchema(*, data: BaseJSONAPIRelationshipSchema)
- class fastapi_jsonapi.schema.BaseJSONAPIRelationshipSchema(*, id: str, type: str)
- id: str
- type: str
- class fastapi_jsonapi.schema.BaseJSONAPIResultSchema(*, meta: JSONAPIResultListMetaSchema | None = None, jsonapi: JSONAPIDocumentObjectSchema = JSONAPIDocumentObjectSchema(version='1.0'))
JSON:API Required fields schema
- jsonapi: JSONAPIDocumentObjectSchema
- meta: JSONAPIResultListMetaSchema | None
- class fastapi_jsonapi.schema.JSONAPIDocumentObjectSchema(*, version: str = '1.0')
JSON:API Document Object Schema.
- version: str
- class fastapi_jsonapi.schema.JSONAPIObjectSchema(*, type: str, attributes: dict, id: str)
JSON:API base object schema.
- class fastapi_jsonapi.schema.JSONAPIResultDetailSchema(*, meta: JSONAPIResultListMetaSchema | None = None, jsonapi: JSONAPIDocumentObjectSchema = JSONAPIDocumentObjectSchema(version='1.0'), data: JSONAPIObjectSchema)
JSON:API base detail schema.
- data: JSONAPIObjectSchema
- class fastapi_jsonapi.schema.JSONAPIResultListMetaSchema(*, count: int | None = None, totalPages: int | None = None)
JSON:API list meta schema.
- count: int | None
- total_pages: int | None
- class fastapi_jsonapi.schema.JSONAPIResultListSchema(*, meta: JSONAPIResultListMetaSchema | None = None, jsonapi: JSONAPIDocumentObjectSchema = JSONAPIDocumentObjectSchema(version='1.0'), data: Sequence[JSONAPIObjectSchema])
JSON:API list base result schema.
- data: Sequence[JSONAPIObjectSchema]
- exception fastapi_jsonapi.schema.JSONAPISchemaIntrospectionError
- fastapi_jsonapi.schema.get_model_field(schema: Type[TypeSchema], field: str) str
Get the model field of a schema field.
- # todo: use alias (custom names)?
For example:
- class Computer(sqla_base):
user = relationship(User)
- class ComputerSchema(pydantic_base):
owner = Field(alias=”user”, relationship=…)
- Parameters:
schema – a pydantic schema
field – the name of the schema field
- Returns:
the name of the field in the model
- Raises:
Exception – if the schema from parameter has no attribute for parameter.
Retrieve the related schema of a relationship field.
- Params schema:
the schema to retrieve le relationship field from
- Params field:
the relationship field
- Returns:
the related schema
- fastapi_jsonapi.schema.get_relationships(schema: Type[TypeSchema], model_field: bool = False) List[str]
Return relationship fields of a schema.
- Parameters:
schema – a schemas schema
model_field – list of relationship fields of a schema
- fastapi_jsonapi.schema.get_schema_from_type(resource_type: str, app: FastAPI) Type[BaseModel]
Retrieve a schema from the registry by his type.
- Parameters:
resource_type – the type of the resource.
app – FastAPI app instance.
- Return Schema:
the schema class.
- Raises:
Exception – if the schema not found for this resource type.
fastapi_jsonapi.signature module
Functions for extracting and updating signatures.
- fastapi_jsonapi.signature.create_additional_query_params(schema: Type[BaseModel] | None) tuple[list[Parameter], list[Parameter]]
- fastapi_jsonapi.signature.create_filter_parameter(name: str, field: ModelField) Parameter
fastapi_jsonapi.splitter module
Splitter for filters, sorts and includes.